Video Blogging Week 2006

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ode to Videoblogging Week

Josh Leo's Ode to Videoblogging Week.

Sing along!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Videoblogging Week 2006 - Real Time Graph

Here's Technorati's graph, showing Videoblogging Week 2006 posting activity:

Watch The Videos
Xicast - River of posts
Mefeedia - Posts tagged videobloggingweek2006
StreamDrive - Watch online and try out their RSS 2.0 feed with enclosures

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Vloggers Participating in Videoblogging Week 2006

The Hot Tag on Technorati right now is videobloggingweek2006!

You can follow all the Videoblogging Week 2006 action over there.

Although some vloggers have reported delays in seeing their posts over there, it seems to be working pretty well.

Aidan Owens put the following together to keep track of the participants -- we're still working on the enclosure parts.

List of participants:

Add your vlog to the list of participants:

Maybe the most important part is that there is a River of News page that compiles everyone's posts into one page for reading:

Everyone's Posts in a River of News:

It's getting there...

What we would like to have is the following:

1 RSS feed that would have all the vlogweek participants with enclosures.

1 web page that could show us a River of Videos

Is there anything I can use to create this?

You can also hop on over to Mefeedia where some of the videos are tagged with videobloggingweek2006:

RSS feed for the Technorati Tag
Here's an RSS feed for the Technorati videobloggingweek2006 tag that you can put in your newsreader:

RSS feed of all participants:
Not sure how I'd use this...

Check out this new automated system which provides rss enclosure extraction and searching.

This is an experimental service developed by Shane Andrusiak.

Here's his RSS feed with enclosures that you can subscribe to in an aggregator like FireAnt:

I just tested this and FireAnt downloaded 54 new videobloggingweek2006 videos for me to watch. There goes three hours...

For those interested in OPML, here's an OPML file to import all the feeds to your OMPL reader:

Stephanie updates the OPML List every night

I was playing with an early version of the list in OPML a little bit and came up with this: